Wild Medicine: Summer
by Ali English Author
The hedgerow in summer is a fascinating place, laden with an abundance of herbs and wildflowers, many of which are loaded with medicinal value or can be eaten, or both. This book will take you on a journey around the verges, hedgerows, and forest edges in the summer, introducing you to a range of some of the more commonly found, easy-to-identify plants that are available around most of the UK, Europe, and parts of North America, as well as providing a selection of useful medicinal and edible recipes, most of which are easy to follow, simple to use and, in the case of the food recipes, delicious. This book aims to encourage and engender a love of our native plants and their many uses and hopes to encourage you to gather your favorites, make your own medicine, and perhaps even turn over a small part of your garden to growing some of these wild, native plants, so beloved by butterflies and bees.
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