Escargot for It! : A Snail's Guide to Finding Your Own Trail & Shell-ebrating Success
by Sabrina Moyle Author and Eunice Moyle Illustrator
Drawing from the wisdom of this magical mollusk and the teachings of great thinkers, this uplifting guide is filled with lessons on how to navigate the mountains and molehills of life—with grace, audacity, and sublime slime. Snails may be unassuming, but they are also enduring, courageous, and a surprisingly sage role model for navigating the mountains and molehills of life. An assortment of quotes, illustrations, fun facts, short essays, and of course, plentiful snail-themed puns offer guidance on all sorts of important life lessons.
(This book may contain a small, black sharpie mark on the bottom edge, so that it can't be returned to a different wholesaler.)
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