A mountain motif with glowing apex. All this over a dark blue background that gradates over the glowing point.

Neurodharma: New Science, Ancient Wisdom, and Seven Practices of the Highest Happiness

by Rick Hanson Author

Many people look for what they call “enlightenment,” “nirvana,” “satori,” or freedom from world suffering. Rick Hanson, PhD psychologist, explores the neuroscience of these so-called awakening but boldly tries to reverse-engineer how to reach enlightenment for the reader, to engage more peace within a frazzled nervous system. Drawing from his studies and beliefs about neuroplasticity, Hanson shares seven practices to make profound change in our lives and strengthening the reader’s neural circuitry. 

(This book may contain a sharpie mark on the top or bottom edge and may show mild signs of shelfwear.)

  • Neurodharma: New Science, Ancient Wisdom, and Seven Practices of the Highest Happiness image #1