Listen Like You Mean It: Reclaiming the Lost Art of True Connection

Listen Like You Mean It: Reclaiming the Lost Art of True Connection

Comments & Reviews


“I very much enjoyed Never Kneel. It is certainly thought-provoking and the author rightfully raises a voice against the umbiguitous hypocrisy perpetrated in the name of religion, but this discussion remains a big short sighted, if only because of the limited context in which he explores these ideas. Neverless, I would love to see something more from Seth Graham on this; his account of losing his religion begs for a follow-up.”


This zine is wonderful and in reply to is not hateful at all. I know Seth personally and he asked me to read and see if I would want to distro it...I found it refreshingly lacking any form of dogma. It comes off as human and not derogatory, in not preaching that atheism/agnosticism is universally right...he makes the claim early on that it is right for HIM.

I recommend this one for the sacred and secular alike in hopes of furthering dialogues about this issue.


anti god is so in right now.hopefully this isn't another zine of hate filled crap...