A Year of Mystical Thinking: Make Life Feel Magical Again
by Emma Howarth Author
After a year of disappointment and disaster, Emma Howarth was feeling exhausted, burnt out, and bummed out. This book is the story of the quest she embarked upon to bring the zest back to her life. By adopting a new spiritual practice each month, Howarth sought to re-enchant her experience of the world. From incense and herbs to crystals and rituals, each practice brought a new framing, a new meaning, and a new magic to the author's day to day. With practical tips and strategies for reinvigorating your own experience of the world, A Year of Mystical Thinking offers a prescription for making your own life feel more vibrant and spiritually fulfilling. A great read for those feeling sapped, which may include a great many of us in the wake of the pandemic.
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