ferns, a moth, fungi, and other plants outlining the title

Spells for Change: A Guide for Modern Witches

by Frankie Castanea Author

Blending the ancient practice of witchcraft with our modern-day habits and routines, author Frankie Castanea brings a fresh approach to a very old way of doing things. Witchcraft doesn't have to mean cauldrons and warts and broomsticks. Today, it can mean carrying crystals and waving herb bundles in order to banish negative energies and promote healing, balance, justice, grounding, and more. Castanea has spells and rituals to help you manifest the kinds of change you want to see in your own life and in the world at large. With chapters tackling a range of topics and offering the reader tools to manifest their intentions, Spells for Change is a vital addition to any contemporary Wiccan bookshelf.