Dog Shaming
by Pascale Lemire Author
Dog owners everywhere have found their outlet in the art of dog shaming, where they confess their dogs' biggest sins. These naughty behaviors often turn out to be recognizably universal, so of course everyone loves them. Dog Shaming is complete with snapshots of ridiculously cute pups who don't even seem capable of humping humans, pooping on pillows, or snagging a steak straight from a grill. The dogs are all photographed with notes explaining what they did (eg, "I destroyed this couch!"), but let's face it, these very good dogs mostly look pretty pleased with themselves and it's the humans who just aren't sure how to feel, but end up loving them all the same.
(This book may contain a small, black sharpie mark on the bottom edge, so that it can't be returned to a different wholesaler.)
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