The Book of (Even More) Awesome: Junk Drawers, Puppy Breath, the Smell of Sizzling Bacon, and Other Simple, Brilliant Things
by Neil Pasricha Author
The sequel to the Book of Awesome. Sequels like this tend to get the short end of the stick unfairly... because they also tend to be a bit better. With second books, you run the risk that the author had a two book deal and used up all their energy on the 1st book and just turned in *whatever* for 2nd one. In this case, the examples of awesomeness don't seem to suffer this fate; it's a good reminder of the unlimited amount of good stuff in the world to be grateful for, if you put your mind to mining it.
(This book may contain a small, black sharpie mark on the bottom edge, so that it can't be returned to a different wholesaler.)
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