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The Book of (Holiday) Awesome
by Neil Pasricha Author
The saddest thing about holidays is that they only come once a year. But with The Book of (Holiday) Awesome, you can…
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Happiness Equation
by Neil Pasricha Author
Learn how you can want nothing, and be able to do anything, in order to have everything. If this sounds like a…
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You Are Awesome: How to Navigate Change, Wrestle with Failure, and Live an Intentional Life
by Neil Pasricha Author
From New York Times bestselling author Neil Pasricha comes a new book on how to build resilience and manage failure in…
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The Book of Awesome
by Neil Pasricha Author
Pick this book up, open it to any page, and remind yourself that the world is indeed full of awesome things, even when…
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The Book of (Even More) Awesome: Junk Drawers, Puppy Breath, the Smell of Sizzling Bacon, and Other Simple, Brilliant Things
by Neil Pasricha Author
The sequel to the Book of Awesome. Sequels like this tend to get the short end of the stick unfairly... because they…
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