A New Working Concept for Human Civilization (Papercuts Library)

A New Working Concept for Human Civilization (Papercuts Library)

What if we tried a novel way of solving society's problems? The minds behind Papercuts Library take a stab at proposing…


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Chokepoint Capitalism: How Big Tech and Big Content Captured Creative Labor Markets and How We'll Win Them Back

Chokepoint Capitalism: How Big Tech and Big Content Captured Creative Labor Markets and How We'll Win Them Back

by Rebecca Giblin Author and Cory Doctorow Author

This book is a call for change, for action, for Big Tech and algorithms to lose their title-sake chokehold over the…


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The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

by John Perkins Author

"Economic hit men (EHMs) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe our of trillions of dollars…


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The Swiss Economy in a Nutshell

The Swiss Economy in a Nutshell

by Cyrill Jost Author, Vincent Kucholl Author and Robert Middleton Author

Who knew the Swiss economy could be so entertaining? This all-in-one guide to the ins and outs of Switzerland’s…


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A Whole New Year ... to abolish imperialism, white supremacy, capitalism, and heteropatriarchy

A Whole New Year ... to abolish imperialism, white supremacy, capitalism, and heteropatriarchy

Happy Birthday! Happy New Year! This small poster / oversized postcard marks the beginning of a whole new year, in…


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Here Be Monsters: How to Fight Capitalism Instead of Each Other

Here Be Monsters: How to Fight Capitalism Instead of Each Other

by Rhyd Wildermuth Author

In stories of old, monsters weren't fearsome enemies, but rather warnings and messengers. They symbolized fears and…


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The Four Workarounds: Strategies From the World's Scrappiest Organizations for Tackling Complex Problems

The Four Workarounds: Strategies From the World's Scrappiest Organizations for Tackling Complex Problems

by Paulo Savaget Author

In our daily lives, we often encounter intricate problems. Problems at home, problems at work even problems…

$28.99 4 comments

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An Edible History of Humanity

An Edible History of Humanity

by Tom Standage Author

This book takes a look into food and its history: a story of more than just sustenance. Drawing from archeological,…


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Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things

Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things

by Michael Braungart Author and William McDonough Author

McDonough and Braungart offer a different approach to consuming consciously in regards to protecting the environment.…


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Honor Thy Label: Dr. Bronner's Unconventional Journey to a Clean, Green, and Ethical Supply Chain

Honor Thy Label: Dr. Bronner's Unconventional Journey to a Clean, Green, and Ethical Supply Chain

by Gero Leson Author and David Bronner Foreword

There is, they say, no ethical consumption under capitalism, but can there be an ethical commitment to sustainability…

$28.00 6 comments

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The Brompton: Engineering for Change

The Brompton: Engineering for Change

by William Butler-Adams Author and Dan Davies Author

The Brompton: Engineering for Change tells the story of how Brompton, a portable, folding bicycle, grew into a…


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How to Protect Bookstores and Why: The Present and Future of Bookselling

How to Protect Bookstores and Why: The Present and Future of Bookselling

by Danny Caine Author

Can bookstores save the world? As bastions of culture, anchors of local retail districts, community gathering places,…

$15.95 3 comments

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Results of the Longest Bull Market in American History (Papercuts Library)

Results of the Longest Bull Market in American History (Papercuts Library)

by Joey Sellers Author

Before we talk about what has been lost since its end, let’s take a moment to consider what was not gained during the…


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On The Poverty Of Student Life: Considered in Its Economic, Political, Psychological, Sexual, and Intellectual Aspects, With a Modest Proposal for Doing Away With It

On The Poverty Of Student Life: Considered in Its Economic, Political, Psychological, Sexual, and Intellectual Aspects, With a Modest Proposal for Doing Away With It

by Situationists Author, Mustapha Khayati Author and Ken Knabb Translator

The eviscerating manifesto that made the Situationist International a household name around the world! In 1966, prior to…


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50 Ways to Protect Bookstores

50 Ways to Protect Bookstores

by Danny Caine Author

Bookstores are important. So are booksellers. And they—and the ideas and communities they serve—need…


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The Revenge of Analog: Real Things and Why They Matter

The Revenge of Analog: Real Things and Why They Matter

by David Sax Author

While living in an age of apps, NFTs, and digital media can be exciting, we haven't left analog completely behind. Just…


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An Actually Autistic Window on Economics

An Actually Autistic Window on Economics

by Partly Robot Author

In this new zine from Partly Robot Industries, author Andrew Coltrin dives into the world of economics and explains the…

$5.00 1 comment

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How to Resist Amazon and Why: The Fight for Local Economics, Data Privacy, Fair Labor, Independent Bookstores, and a People-Powered Future!

How to Resist Amazon and Why: The Fight for Local Economics, Data Privacy, Fair Labor, Independent Bookstores, and a People-Powered Future!

by Danny Caine Author

When a company's workers are literally dying on the job, when their business model relies on preying on local businesses…


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The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon

The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon

by Brad Stone Author

It's impossible to escape the grip of Amazon in this day and age. Starting off modestly enough as delivering books…


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How Google Works

How Google Works

by Eric Schmidt Author and Jonathan Rosenberg Author

Written by two former executives at Google, How Google Works covers the inception of Google from its initial…


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The Art of Business Wars: Battle-Tested Lessons for Leaders and Entrepreneurs from History's Greatest Rivalries

The Art of Business Wars: Battle-Tested Lessons for Leaders and Entrepreneurs from History's Greatest Rivalries

by David Brown Author

The Art of Business Wars began as popular podcast, but now you can find these stories of history’s greatest business…


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Becoming a Nurse

Becoming a Nurse

by Sonny Kleinfield Author

Vital reading for anyone considering a career in nursing, this book from journalist and former New York Times reporter…


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Can Global Capitalism Endure?

Can Global Capitalism Endure?

by William I. Robinson Author and Jason W. Moore Foreword

At a time when global capitalism is facing unprecedented crises and has seen numerous chinks in its armor exposed, it…


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The Undercover Economist

The Undercover Economist

by Tim Harford Author

The Undercover Economist provides readers with a fresh look at principles that structure our contemporary economy.…


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Mind Your Business: A Workbook to Grow Your Creative Passion Into a Full-time Gig

Mind Your Business: A Workbook to Grow Your Creative Passion Into a Full-time Gig

A prompted journal and workbook with everything you need to know about how to build a successful business from scratch.…


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The New Chardonnay: The Unlikely Story of How Marijuana Went Mainstream

The New Chardonnay: The Unlikely Story of How Marijuana Went Mainstream

by Heather Cabot Author

Explore how marijuana shed its stigma and came to be embraced by new and unlikely enthusiasts, from “Chardonnay…


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The Rise and Decline of Patriarchal Systems

The Rise and Decline of Patriarchal Systems

by Nancy Folbre Author

An examination of history and persistence of patriarchal hierarchies to answer the defining question of feminist…


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Marx's Das Kapital: A Biography

Marx's Das Kapital: A Biography

by Francis Wheen Author

Karl Marx struggled for twenty years to write Das Kapital and even then left his masterpiece unfinished. Following his…


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The Financial Recovery Workbook: A Step-by-Step Plan for Regaining Control of Your Money and Your Life During and after a Personal Financial Crisis

The Financial Recovery Workbook: A Step-by-Step Plan for Regaining Control of Your Money and Your Life During and after a Personal Financial Crisis

by Michele Cagan Author

  When personal financial disaster strikes, you are not alone. Procure the services of expert financial advisor—for…


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Laid Bare: What The Business Leader Learnt From the Stripper

Laid Bare: What The Business Leader Learnt From the Stripper

by Paulina Tenner Author

In this fascinating read for bosses and aspiring businesspeople everywhere, author Paulina Tenner shares insights…


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