Skull Sourcebook: Over 500 Skulls in Art & Culture
by Adele Nozedar Author
Skulls are one of the oldest symbols of our world, rich with cultural resonance and significance. From the origins of Aztec skull art and the Jolly Roger that was hoisted on pirate flags to the sugar skull for Mexico's Day of the Dead, skulls have a wealth of source history and, of course, a long line of artistic tradition. Skull Sourcebook features hundreds of different skull images and artworks through history, and author Adele Nozedar deeply explores their iconic significance. Discover meanings, stories, and lore behind the skull and ponder dozens of artistic examples of skulls in art, tattoos, music, literature, fashion, and more. Accompanied with works by famous artists like Damien Hirst and George Ioannou, the Skull Sourcebook is a varied and eclectic collection of one of the world's most-recognized symbols.
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