DIY Rules for a WTF World by Krista Suh and Aurora Lady

DIY Rules for a WTF World: How to Speak Up, Get Creative, and Change the World

by Aurora Lady Illustrator and Krista Suh Author

Krista Suh, founder of the pussyhat movement, shares the tools, tips, experiences, "rules," and knitting patterns she uses to get creative, get bold, and change the world. From learning how to use your own intuition to decide which rules are right for you to finding your inner-courage to speak up fearlessly; from finding what your passions are (this might surprise you!) to dealing with the squelchers out there, DIY Rules for a WTF World not only inspires you to demolish the patriarchy, but also enables you to create your own rules for living, and even a movement of your own, all with gusto, purpose, and joy.

(This book may contain a small, black sharpie mark on the bottom edge, so that it can't be returned to a different wholesaler.)