Witches, Sluts, Feminists: Conjuring the Sex Positive
by Kristen J. Sollee Author
Before they were 'nasty women', they were wicked...
Grab hold of your broom handles nasty women, you're in for a wild ride!
The table of contents alone is worth the read: Witch Slut Are You? The Medieval to the Modern, Ghost Bitch U.S.A, Queering the Witch: Porn, Pleasure & Presentation (just to name a few).
From the beginning when belief conformed around the idea of a single male deity and thus pushed women in religion into more sinister roles, to the contemporary reclamation of these long vilified identites, Witches, Sluts, Feminists is a brilliant journey through witchy feminist herstory. Featuring gorgeous illustrations, this book is a celebration of powerful women.
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