At the Mountains of Madness: the Definitive Edition
by H.P. Lovecraft Author
One of Lovecraft's most celebrated works, At the Mountains of Madness follows a group of explorers on an antarctic exploratory expedition. When they arrive, what they discover is beyond their wildest nightmares. The acutely harrowing tale touches on many pervasive themes, elements, and entities in Lovecraft's other work, including ancient horrors, cosmic conspiracies, the necronomicon, and Cthulhu. Blurring genre distinctions, the work has had a profound impact on science fiction as well as supernatural horror, with one of Arther C. Clarke's earliest stories, At the Mountains of Murkiness being an allusion to this work. This edition of one of Lovecraft's essential tales comes paired with Supernatural Horror in Literature, one of his non-fiction essays that provides some insight into his inspiration and writing.
(The Arc Classics edition of this book may contain a small, black sharpie mark on the bottom edge, so that it can't be returned to a different wholesaler.)
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