Seasons of the Witch: Samhain Oracle - Harness the Intuitive Power of the Year's Most Magical Night
by Lorriane Anderson Author and Juliet Diaz Author
Samhain is one of the most enigmatic and magical nights of the year for performing divination, rituals, and spells. Experience the clarity and electric energies of this sacred night all year long with the chilling Samhain Oracle. Each card connects you to the spirit realm to bring healing, understanding, protection, and guidance from the other side into everyday life. Discover the banshee's wrath, meet your sacred animal familiar, greet the nature spirits, or visit the graveyard with your coven to seek protection in the witching hour. This beautifully designed and illustrated book and 44 card deck set includes original poetry from Juliet Diaz that works as invocations for magic and ritual while intuitive guidance from Lorriane Anderson takes you through your personal readings. Finally, the beautiful artwork of Giada Rose will transport you to new worlds.
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