four cards and a deck box, with different emotions or adjectives on each card, including 'serene, 'disbelief', 'acceptance', 'proud', and 'belonging'

Aboriginal Ancestral Wisdom Oracle: 36 Full Color Cards and 112 Page Book

by Mel Brown Author

In this oracle deck, author Mel Brown, a Ngunnawal woman, draws upon her heritage as an Aborginal Australian and her cultural traditions to create this means of finding deeper understanding. The oldest culture in the world, Aboriginal Australians have an oral history that stretches back past the last ice age, over 40,000 years ago. With this oracle deck, Western audiences can gain the privilege of accessing some of that timeless wisdom. Each card has a dark side and a light side, and the deck is divided into four different types of cards: Freshwater, Saltwater, Desert, and Rainforest. When reading this oracle, the light side of a card indicates you are moving in the right direction. The dark side prompts you to consider a new course of action. Dive into this oracle deck and gain deeper insight into your path through the world.