
2024 Slingshot Organizer (spiral bound small)

by Slingshot Collective Author

This is the old version! Looking for the 2025 edition? Click here!

Geez, you don't have one of these yet?!?! It's a pocket sized calendar and day planner: A zinester's best friend! Plan your days one at a time with plenty of your own room to scrawl notes on a calendar that will fit in your pocket. Includes space to write your phone numbers, a contact list of radical groups around the globe, a menstrual calendar, info on police repression, extra note pages, and much more.Not only is it the coolest thing to carry around in your tote bag but it's also so cool that it deserves all of the attention it gets! Includes popular activist and alternative cultural holidays and protests as well as historical landmarks; a people's history if you will. Serves as a fundraiser for the radical newspaper from Berkeley, SLINGSHOT.