The Post-Structuralist Vulva Coloring Book
by Meggyn Pomerleau Illustrator and Elly Blue Editor
What would Judith Butler do?
Vulvas are too often either crudely objectified or shrouded in mystery. No longer! The Post-Structuralist Vulva Coloring Book demystifies gender and interrogates your assumptions as you are drawn into its mesmerizing patterns, folds, and whorls. Color away the false binaries between male and female, words and text, inside and outside, art and nature. As you meditate on the sameness and difference of the vulvas on each page, you will question your interpellation into dominant systems of knowledge. By overwhelming the senses with vulvas, you can easily deconstruct the meaning and very existence of this social construct we call the "vulva" and the instructions for living that come with it. Quotations from post-structuralist philosophers accompany the art, and can be colored and even edited into new constructs and critiques. Perfect for the recovering graduate student who wants to deconstruct gender without being themselves dismantled by the tools of deconstruction.
Printed on one side, with perforated pages so you can easily color and display your masterworks.
(Looking for The Cunt Coloring Book? It's here!)
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Comments & Reviews
"demystifies and celebrates women’s bodies while simultaneously critiquing patriarchal institutions. "
"Even if you don’t like coloring, you’re going to love this book. It is creative, inventive, and down right fun!"
" Local illustrator Meggyn Pomerleau’s The Post-Struturalist Vulva Coloring Book offers pages featuring female genitalia in creative contexts such as a wave in the ocean or as the mouth of a shark."