Sticker #184Bicycles Allowed Full Lane (square)
by Randy Albright Author
A sticker with the Oregon law about bike's being able to legally take up an entire lane of traffic.
(Sturdy vinyl sticker with white print on a black background. Reads: "Bicycles allowed full lane ORS 814.430(2)(C)")
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Comments & Reviews
Update: The link I provided a few years ago regarding a listing of state bike laws is now dead. Here's a new link:
Actually, the law in Tennessee includes the same exception as Oregon state law (statute 55-8-175{c}). For a fairly complete list of state statutes (which almost always supersede local ordinance) go to: http://www.massbike.org/bikelaw/statelaws.htm
Knowledge is power! Riders unite!
i know in tennessee bikes are only alotted half the lane......
It does say Oregon. "ORS" appreviates "Oregon revised statute". See: http://www.leg.state.or.us/01reg/measures/sb0001.dir/sb0025.intro.html
Yeah, but it doesn't say "Oregon" and people will be too lazy to look it up.