Scam #9: The Story of Black Flag's Classic First Album, Damaged!
by Erica Dawn Lyle Author
Based on an expanded version of a story Erica Dawn Lyle wrote for the LA Weekly to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Black Flag's Damaged, this zine includes primary interviews with Henry Rollins, Greg Ginn, Chuck Dukowski, Dez Cadena, Kira Roessler and others around the band, including Mike Watt, Joe Carducci, Raymond Pettibon, Ed Colver, and Dave Markey. But what it really contains is the story of an excited, young Lyle discovering a vent for her rage and pent-up emotions that a magical, impossible-to-replace historical album could encapsulate. And in 64 pages she successfully lays out the importance of these people, their place in time, and the aftermath of it all. Excellent punk journalism that gets to the heart of the matter without simplifying it.
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