The Final Girl: How Horror Movies Made Me a Better Feminist
by Kris Rose Author
Kris Rose and her step-sister grew up watching horror movies together. The Exorcist, The Evil Dead, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Carrie, Friday the 13th, Scream, Hellraiser, and so many more left their indelible mark on her young mind. "For a girl whose life was not perfect, horror was a reassurance that darkness was a normal part of life. It was possible to survive the absolute worst, if you learned a few valuable lessons from one of the most well-known archetypes of modern horror: The Final Girl." Rose takes us on a fun, smart, sassy tour through horror movies of the 1980s, analysing the character tropes and celebrating the bad-asses who may not have been believed but fought to stay alive until the bitter end.
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