Monthly Archives: September 2007

DIY Screenprinting!

OUT NOW!! A fascinating graphic novel that details the art and science of screenprinting from inception to printed t-shirts to working in a print shop to understanding line screens, to hawking your printed wares on the street! How to build a screen, burn an image, test how things are going, pull ink, wash out screens, know what screen mesh to use, and creative ideas. It’s a true joy to see the exaggerated illustrations while learning such a useful and practical craft! How to turn your home into a t-shirt factory! Essential for people who don’t know how to screenprint or those a bit rusty. ISBN 0-9770557-4-4

Invincible Summer: An Anthology (2nd Ed.)

OUT NOW! Nicole J. Georges captures her adventures and thoughts in unique, heartfelt illustrations & stories. Five years of dog mothering, chicken raising, coffee-shop crushes, drama, low paying jobs, heartbreaking romance, inspiring friendships, vegan snacks, & more! This exhaustive collection will take the reader on a whirlwind tour through Nicole’s personality, wit, and charm! This second edition collects issues #1-8 of her zine and features 38 new, additional pages! ISBN 978-0-9726967-6-0