Rampant Media Consumption – July 2015

building a better nest book coverHere’s what we put in our brains last month:


read: Bluets by Maggie Nelson and Tender Buttons by Gertrude Stein 

listened to: Julee Cruise


listened to: New Zak Sally stuff

finally watched: Barbershop Punk it has a lot of Ian MacKaye and Henry in it


Read: Sherwood Nation and was super excited to find a new entry in the emerging genre of feminist bicycle science fiction. This one about a drought-stricken Portland! Good stuff.

Joe + I watched two documentaries: What Happened, Miss Simone and also Billy the Kid. And we went to see Minions.


Little Dragon’s latest album (2014) is killin’ it for me

I watched this about 70 times 


Reading: Glory Goes and Gets Some stories by Emily Carter and Building a Better Nest by Evelyn Searle Hess

Learned all about Hobo Spider bites—ouch! 

Got the real dirt on garden tips from Grow PDX on XRay FM