Microcosm Kickstarter and PledgeManager FAQ’s

Got a question about how we use Kickstarter or PledgeManager? It might be answered here!

What is Kickstarter and why does Microcosm use it?
Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform, where folks can pledge financial support for a project to help offset costs for production. We use Kickstarter as a way to help spread the word about upcoming books, gauge interest with preorders, and help cover the costs of printing and distribution.

What is PledgeManager and why does Microcosm use it?
PledgeManager is a fulfillment platform that helps us ensure you get your backer rewards. At the end of the Kickstarter, you’ll be sent a link to log in with PledgeManager, where you’ll finalize your rewards, add-on and add-ons, and have shipping and taxes calculated.

Will there be add-ons for the project?
Depends on the project! There will always be additional add-ons during the PledgeManager portion of a project, but adding them in the Kickstarter phase is a little trickier. We try to have at least two or three fun extras in every project, though!

Why can’t I add physical add-ons to my KS digital tier?
Due to the way Kickstarter is set up, backers of digital-only tiers aren’t able to add physical add-ons to their pledges. However, when you checkout via PledgeManager at the end of the project, you’ll be able to add physical items to your digital rewards then!

Why didn’t I get my survey?
If you haven’t received your backer survey when we launch the PledgeManager for a project, check your spam filter! If it’s not hiding there, reach out to squishy(at)microcosmpublishing.com to have a new one sent your way.

Why am I being charged tax/asked to provide an address when I only got an eBook?
We must charge and pay tax for orders placed in California, Ohio, and Washington State.

Where is my reward?
Production on books and decks can take a little while. When rewards are starting to ship out, we will post an update in the Kickstarter. If a few weeks go by and you haven’t gotten confirmation of your order shipping, please reach out to squishy(at)microcosmpublishing.com.

Why didn’t I get my eBook?
If you pledged for an eBook or digital reward, they will be sent to your inbox when the project book starts shipping out! Check your spam folder if you were supposed to get one and haven’t yet, or email us for all other eBook issues.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to email squishy@microcosmpublishing.com, or leave a comment on the project you’re interested in.

<3 Microcosm