The Microcosm Interview with Tomas from the Rad Dad Zine!
We recently talked with Tomas Moniz from Rad Dad about zines, zines, and zines! Tomas’ super awesome new issue is now out and you can wrangle that here. This is what he told us.
Q: If you were asked to define Rad Dad in less than 100 words what
would you say?
A: It’s a zine about how we all can parent in conscientious ways, how whether we are parents or not we can foster communities that are multigenerational and supportive of children. It’s also a zine that strives to challenge the mainstream representation of fathers and parenting in general parenting does not equal mothering. And simple being a father doesn’t mean you are rad. Parenting is also not a white middle class, hetero experience. Rad Dad works hard to present the diversity of parenting from young parents, to parents of color, to anarchist parents.
Q: Tell us about the new issue; what can people expect?
A: The new issue was a lot of fun…many of the issues often deal with specific difficult situations in relation to parenting children. For number 18, I wanted to explore how our relationships with other adults impact our parenting; I wanted to remind us all that there are numerous kinds of families besides the hetero-normative monogamous partnered couple. Oh and I get to share my story of discovering my daughter making out with “hot boys.”
Q: What do your kids think of Rad Dad?
A: They actually read every issue before I print it, threaten to write their own version of the zine “Bad Dad,” and when they come to readings they generally heckle me non-stop. But they are totally supportive.
Q: If the President of the United States asked you to sum up Rad Dad in less than 10 words what would you say?
A: I’d scold him: white parents need to take responsibility for racism, unlike his admonishment of black parents in his famous speech on race.
Q: If your first grade teacher asked you to sum up Rad Dad in less than 10 words what would you say?
A: I wish my daughter’s first grade teacher read it…
Q: If Osama Bin Laden asked you to sum up Rad Dad in less than 10 words what would you say?
A: It’s not about what we are, but what we aspire to be…or I’d ask how he
got a copy of it?
Q: Who are your three favorite zines and why?
A: Artnoose’s Kerbloom and, of course, Doris; they’re like the godmothers of zine culture and what they write about and share is so specific to their experience but in sharing their struggles and thoughts I discover such connections and inspiration…and as for a new zine I’ve been really enjoying photography zines…I think I wanna try and make one myself…
Q: What’s next for Rad Dad?
A: An anthology of the best of Rad Dad will be out in fall 2011; the zine I hope will continue and someday I look forward to passing it on to other rad dads and mamas to continue. I’m always looking for coeditors so if you interested, let me know…