How to Be Miserable in Your Twenties: 40 Strategies to Fail at Adulting
by Randy J. Paterson, PhD Author
As anyone who's ever been in their 20s knows intimately, there are so many ways to fail! This book outlines some painfully familiar pitfalls: "You Are Special," "Define Yourself by Your Fragility," "Wait for Permission," "Stay in the Closet," "Ignore Distant Payoffs," and "Do It All Yourself," are just a few of the ineffective strategies some of us are still implementing well past our 20s. You don't have to, and this book doesn't sugarcoat the case for stepping up and working this shit out. It doesn't make any glossy promises for what you'll do if you avoid some or all of these perils, either—life's real. But better to live, learn, and grow so you can make all new and different mistakes in your 30s, right?
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