
How to Be Sober and Keep Your Friends: Tips, Hacks & Drinks

by Flic Everett Author

This boldly designed book is light on the "why" to quit drinking (if you're considering it, you know why), and heavy on the "what to expect" and "how to deal." You can read it the whole way through, or just open to a page whenever you need a reminder or a bit of guidance. Sections address a ton of the real-life issues that come up when you stop drinking—like what to do instead. If your concerns about quitting include things like boredom, loneliness, awkward social situations, hostility from friends or family, not being able to meet new people, not knowing what to say, or not being able to sleep, all of those are addressed. The format is magazine-style—there's not a lot of heavy reading here—but the content is practical and real. Includes lists of things you can say when the people close to you ask questions or raise objections; tips for heavy-drinking occasions from work functions to weddings; and recipes for a ton of gourmet virgin cocktails.