an illustration of a woman on a toilet with a giant potted plant behind her

Good Sh*t: Your Holistic Guide to the Best Poop of Your Life

by Julia Blohberger Author and Roos Neeter Author

We're all taught that poop is a disgusting thing, never to be discussed in polite company and certainly never to be considered for longer than it takes to flush it down the toilet. But authors Julia Blohberger and Roos Neeter are here to tell us why that approach is a mistake. Poop is actually an excellent indicator of our overall health, and can tell us a lot of different things about what might be effecting us. With this book, you can keep track of the quality of your bowel movements and troubleshoot the things that may be negatively impacting them. From sleep, to diet, exercise, stress, and more, the way you live your day to day life will always effect your poop, and it's worth paying attention to what behaviors and habits improve your digestion and which ones hurt it. With journal prompts, poop trackers, and more, Good Sh*t is the book to help you fix your sh*t up once and for all.