
The Encyclopedia of Misinformation: A Compendium of Imitations, Spoofs, Delusions, Simulations, Counterfeits, Impostors, Illusions, Confabulations, ... Conspiracies & Miscellaneous Fakery

by Rex Sorgatz Author

In a world of fake news and 'alternative facts', click bait and catfishing, who can we trust? How is it that we are continuously fooled by history, the media, politicians, pop culture, and our own minds?

Remember when Orson Welles convinced every one the Martians had invaded? Or the Flat-Earthers...wait those guys are still around! Why?!

How?! Encyclopedia of Misinformation is a collection of the deceptions, fakes, conspiracies and self-delusions through time, what tricks us and how we trick ourselves.