June Warehouse Super Sale: Help us make space for more books!
by Ibram X. Kendi Author, Bob Suren Author, Al Burian Author, Cristy C. Road Author, Keith Rosson Author, Alexander Barrett Author and Super Pack! Author
We bought a new warehouse in Cleveland! We're so excited... and also a little overwhelmed at the prospect of moving half our books into it. The good news is that it's right next door to our existing warehouse. The other side of the coin is that books are heavy no matter how far they need to go. Help us do some spring cleaning and take some of these books off our hands. We would much rather move them out the door to you instead of shlepping them next door to gather dust on a tall shelf.
This is a bit of a random selection, a mix of our published titles and ones we distribute from other publishers, chosen either because we printed or bought too many, they're large books, or the place they need to go in the new warehouse is particularly awkward or overcrowded. We've got fiction and nonfiction, comics and text, serious and fun—you name it! Eight books—worth $125—for only forty bucks, only this month!
- Stamped from the Beginning - Ibram X. Kendi's history of racism in the US is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand how we got here and where we're going
- Spit and Passion - Cristy C. Road's graphic novel coming-of-age story about finding punk community and queer identity
- Smoke City - Keith Rosson's road trip novel of the Southwest US, Joan of Arc, and seedy underbellies
- Crate Digger - Bob Suren recounts his obsession with record collecting and the Florida punk scene
- Permission to Dream - A "true fable" of a grandfather and granddaughter learning to make every second of their lives count to the max
- Disappointed Monsters - An A-Z guide to disheartening moments of ennui and frustration in everyday life
- No Apocalypse - Al Burian's plangent essays on Y2K culture, music, and politics
- This is San Francisco - Alexander Barrett's lovely, humorous illustrated guide to the best parts of SF
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