Cat's Claw Herbal
by Heron Brae Author
In this 2002 zine, Heron Brae, now an established herbalist and teacher, shows a developing love and understanding of plants through personal stories, drawings, and introductions to some favorites. Cat's Claw Herbal also includes easy to understand DIY instructions on how to make your own herbal salves from wild plants that are available in the Northwest. This zine is great for people who are already into plants or those who are newly interested in making their own salves and natural medicine.
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Comments & Reviews
I've only read the first few pages and I already love it! It outlines how to make salves out of various plants in a manner that lets readers know very clearly what their goals are without overloading the mind with details about specific plants' best temperatures and lengths of time. Later it goes into recipes using specific plants. Clearly this is going to be an invaluable resource, concise but incredibly informative. And it's a lot of fun to read too; the writer has a really close relationship with the plants she's writing about, and that really shines through in this zine. Not only do I want to buy the zine, but I now want to go out and buy all the other medicinal herbs books in her bibliography too!
So much information in such a tiny package!
This zine is totally informative without being hard to understand.I would go so for as to say it's one of the most inspirational DIY plant fanzines!
This is a great DIY zine. Totally informative and not the least bit pretentious.