Never Stop Laughing

Quick, funny reads to soothe your troubled mind.

Defensive Eating With Morrissey: Vegan Recipes From The One You Left Behind

Defensive Eating With Morrissey: Vegan Recipes From The One You Left Behind

by with Joshua Ploeg and Automne Zingg Illustrator

Poor Morrissey. He's just so... so... hungry. And meat is murder, so that narrows his options by a lot. Until now, at…

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Comfort Eating With Nick Cave: Vegan Recipes To Get Deep Inside of You

Comfort Eating With Nick Cave: Vegan Recipes To Get Deep Inside of You

by with Joshua Ploeg and Automne Zingg Illustrator

Poor Nick Cave. Life is hard for him and there are many hurdles to deal with every day. And like all of us, Nick is…

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Henry & Glenn Forever

Henry & Glenn Forever

by Tom Neely Author, Igloo Tornado Illustrator and Scot Nobles Contributor

Starring super-notorious musclebound punk/metaldudes Glenn Danzig and Henry Rollins (with a little help from…

$6.00 33 comments

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How to Appear Normal at Social Events: And Other Essential Wisdom

How to Appear Normal at Social Events: And Other Essential Wisdom

by Lord Birthday Author

Do you know what to do if you see a clown in the woods? Want to know how to live through the awkward conversation of…


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Manspressions: Decoding Men's Behavior

Manspressions: Decoding Men's Behavior

by Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author and Meggyn Pomerleau Illustrator

You've heard of mansplaining, but what about manstitutions? From manologues to manversations, mantrums to manger, the…

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The Post-Structuralist Vulva Coloring Book

The Post-Structuralist Vulva Coloring Book

by Meggyn Pomerleau Illustrator and Elly Blue Editor

Vulvas are too often either crudely objectified or shrouded in mystery. No longer! The Post-Structuralist Vulva Coloring…

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We Don't Think You're Racist!: Soothing Affirmations from People of Color

We Don't Think You're Racist!: Soothing Affirmations from People of Color

by Robin Higgins Author and Amanda Meadows Author

"Of course I don't mind that you touch my hair!" and other words that white folks have been longing to hear their whole…

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Images You Should Not Masturbate To

Images You Should Not Masturbate To

by Graham Johnson Author

There are a lot of euphemisms for masturbation: choking the chicken, spanking the monkey, airing the orchid. But…

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How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety: And Abstinence, Drugs, Satanism, and Other Dangers That Threaten Their Nine Lives

How to Talk to Your Cat About Gun Safety: And Abstinence, Drugs, Satanism, and Other Dangers That Threaten Their Nine Lives

by Zachary Auburn Author and The American Association of Patriots Author

Long gone are the good old days when a cat’s biggest worries were mean dogs or a bath. Modern cats must confront…

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There, I Fixed It!: (No, You Didn't)

There, I Fixed It!: (No, You Didn't)

by Cheezburger Network Author

There, I Fixed It (No, You Didn't) celebrates the "kludge" (a quick-and-dirty, clumsy, or inelegant-yet-effective…

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Look! It's Jesus!: Amazing Holy Visions in Everyday Life

Look! It's Jesus!: Amazing Holy Visions in Everyday Life

by Sandra Choron Author and Harry Choron Author

Every day, Jesus, Buddha, the Virgin Mary, and Mother Teresa appear to people in the most unlikely of places. From…


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by Jesse Reklaw Author

“One night while rooting through the recycling bin for magazines, I found all the confidential Ph.D. applicant files…

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Awkward Family Pet Photos

Awkward Family Pet Photos

by Mike Bender Author and Doug Chernack Author

A book of awkward photos, sparingly aided by humorous captions, showing decades of actual photos of humans and animals…


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