Monthly Archives: December 2005

Seeking people to pass out catalogs!

For the first time in Microcosm history we had to reprint a catalog! This was largely due to the sheer volume of people passing out catalogs in their respective towns and at local venues, coffee shops, record stores, etc. It’s been a huge benefit to us and we now have 30,000 more catalogs to keep it going! We are still building a comprehensive list of people who can pass out flyers and catalogs for us. If you can do this, please get in touch and let us know your address and how many catalogs you think you could pass around. We have our 2006 catalog with artwork from Sarah Oleksyk and postcards for books we’ve published!

Secret Files of Captain Sissy #5

* OUT NOW!! * Andy Cornell’s new issue is still building upon and critiquing the punk and activist communities in a very necessary way. This issue tackles relevant issues through his own stories including skateboarding injuries from not wearing a helmet, student racial and anti-sweatshop activism, working for the Steelworkers Union, a couple weeks on the road with Mobilivre Bookmobile, thoughts on freedom fries and the PATRIOT act, book reviews of radical autobiographies, and my favorite article of all, a crazed account of the west Philadelphia co-op strike of 2002 where disagreements over one staff person’s position and reluctance to work with the group lead to shutting down the co-op, macho intimidation, and putting a pallet of food on the trolley tracks! The tales of working in the steel union were equally fascinating as it challenges punk activism up a notch and tells stories of a queer man working in an industry where many of us do not get an inside look. A fascinating document of his last few years.