New Newness News!


Just so you know, we’ve got a lot of super great new titles! Who’s excited about Railroad Semantics #2!!?


If not that, how bout the new edition of Mostly True!


Raleigh Briggs even released her sequel to Make Your Place, the much-anticipated Make It Last!


Beyond The Music is Joe Biel’s new book, a really great one for anyone interested in the Punk “Scene” or the DIY ethics it brings with it.


And of course, we can’t forget about Everyday Bicycling, Elly Blue’s know-it-all book about cycling in any and every situation, a super great guide to get someone who might just be getting into bicycling, or even the bicycling fanatics! 🙂


Holy Cow! As I was typing this we just got another one in! The People’s Apocalypse! This one looks super interesting!


If your into that whole Thanksgiving thing, these are all things to be thankful for!
If your into that whole Christmas thing, any one of these would make great gifts!
Or, you could gift one to someone on Nov. 13th for World Kindness Day.
You’ll also have to stock up on books to read for Stay At Home Because You Are Well Day at the end of the month. Book Lover’s Day doesn’t have to end on Nov. 4th, it can last all year!

I can’t even keep up around here. I’m going to have to start reading faster…
