Getting in a rebel mood…

This month we asked a few staff members to share something they dig about a few of the books & zines in our new Rebel Alliance Superpack

Jeri Cain:

Edible Secrets: “Seems like the CIA tried hundreds of times to kill Castro, and still he died an old man.  He vowed to not die until he saw the destruction of America.  Then Trump was elected.  Castro died soon after….”

The Spanish Civil War: “A fascinating read with lessons to be gleaned in our current political climate.  Hemingway’s participation as a war journalist led to his penning For Whom The Bell Tolls.”


Coping Skills: Social and political burnout is getting more and more real by the day, people! I’m exhausted! Dr. Faith’s very useful zine is getting me through it one tip at a time. My favorite parts:

“Escapism is intentionally moving to another space in a mental and emotional way… It gives you a chance to soothe your tired self without getting trapped in a nasty cycle of perseverating on memories. Seriously. Go to a thrift store and buy up all the Babysitter’s Club books, run a bubble bath, and escape the fuck up outta this mess. Doctor’s orders.”


“4) Put something new in the world that didn’t exist before. Destruction, as you well know, is not an abstraction. It’s a very real entity we cope with on a daily basis. … When other people out there in the world take away from you, create back.”

Everyday Bicycling: One of the things we love about bikes here is the level of freedom they allow for so many different types of people. When I first started riding (I couldn’t afford transit tickets and was about to lose my car) this useful tome gave me a really good foundation to start from. And if you think about it (we do!) if the apocalypse comes, bikes are going to be the way to go, so start learning now!


Six Days in Cincinnati: Socially relevant, informative, and poignant… this is exactly what comix journalism is all about! It’s a must read for everyone who lives in this time of turmoil and social injustice, especially those who need to be reminded of what happens when the United States falters.