It’s been a while, RMC edition.
Hello again from the most radical little green house of books you’ll ever find.
It’s been a while but after a crazy year we’re working on getting back in the swing of things. How are you, though??
Microcosm’s staff is an incredible little world of its own, with wildly different personalities, opinions, and preferences. Every now and then we like to check in with everyone and see what we’re all into these days….
Kristine (Accounts Manager)
My favorite thing on tv right now is Stranger Things 2, because I like Dungeons and Dragons-themed tv (OK, I have a 13-year-old who loves horror).
I read stuff simultaneously: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Unfuck Your Brain, Akata Witch, and the new issue of Harper’s.
Fun Fact: the women of Pussy Riot were kept in a plexi-glass cage during their trial. They were THAT dangerous.