Congrats to the Victors, and Prepare for More!

Winners will receive one of last year’s Fix Your Clothes arcs, + our Book Tour Board Game (and stickers of course!).
Our test giveaway is over, and the results are in! Winners have been contacted and the books go out tomorrow.
Thanks so much to everyone who entered — and everyone who gave feedback!
We like this Rafflecopter platform and will try it out a few more times.
Interested in more giveaways?
This month, slogging through prime Seasonal Affective Disorder season, we’re raising our spirits (and hopefully yours) by celebrating Microcosm’s 22nd year with a shit ton of giveaways!
To start off, Monday we’re going to be giving away “SAD Packs”, featuring our March mental health releases, This is Your Brain on Anxiety: What Happens & What Helps and How Not To Kill Yourself: A Survival Guide For Imaginative Pessimists, so check back here then to enter.
After that, watch out for giveaways here and on our other Social Medias for a chance at more brand new books, past ARCs, and cool swag.
Stay awesome (and strong)!