Books that inspired Microcosm
Today on the People’s Guide to Publishing podcast, Joe and Elly talk about some of the books that inspired and motivate our work.
Today on the People’s Guide to Publishing podcast, Joe and Elly talk about some of the books that inspired and motivate our work.
This week on the People’s Guide to Publishing podcast, Joe and Elly talk about the various steps involved in opening our new warehouse. (This episode was recorded a year ago, when we were in the midst of doing all these things.)
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This week on the People’s Guide to Publishing podcast, Joe and Elly reveal the mysteries of the ISBN, aka the 13-digit International Standard Book Number you see on most books sold to the general public. ISBNs can be costly and a lot of new publishers aren’t sure when they should start using them. We offer some advice about when an ISBN is essential and when it isn’t.