Can booksellers increase bonding over Corgis? Janet Geddis of Avid Bookshop (People’s Guide to Publishing)

Publishers often think of booksellers as our frontline marketing force; the people who we outsource our jobs to. This week, Janet Geddis of Avid Bookshop does a great job of outlining the actual role that bookstores play in a daily role. It’s more matchmaking than pushing the newest thing on some poor, unsuspecting browser. It’s a deep game of familiarity that ultimately results in hilarity of two people of disparate backgrounds relating to each other in the store at the same time. Publishers interested in taking her up on her “Hang out in my store and learn what bookselling entails” offer, get in touch!

And if you haven’t seen it yet, here’s a link to Avid’s Solidarity Project interview.

Get the People’s Guide to Publishing here, and the workbook here!
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