Avow #24
The cover of veteran zinester Keith Rosson’s latest zine is an homage to Milwaukee drivers’ disdain for the common pedestrian: thus sets the dark, humorous tone for Avow #24. A perzine in a seemingly post-perzine age, Avow sets the formula for solid writing and smart design, this time about Keith’s past year in his new home of Milwaukee. This issue is dedicated to music reviews and comics about the search for employment, including writing about one of his favorite teachers, quitting cigarettes, the death of his father, and an interview with Joe Lachut (of Seven Inches to Freedom zine). Keith continues his tradition of classic storytelling and we’re happy to release Microcosm’s first collaboration with him since The Best of Intentions: The Avow Anthology. Check it out! Spoiler alert: Dave Roche (On Subbing, About My Disappearance) drops by to talk about unsolicited business and dating advice.