Tagged zine blast

March Zine Blast

When we said Year of Zines we meant it!

We publish new zines each and every month (you read that right!), and we want to make sure you don’t miss any that could help you change your life and the world around you. So every month this year, we are sharing a roundup of what’s been released, and maybe a few sneak peeks at what’s ahead in the zine pipeline. Let’s dive in for March!

A Pocket Guide to Natal Astrology: Birth Chart Basics by Maia Sky
This zine will empower you to navigate your astrological fundamentals while fostering a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of the ancient art and science of astrology. Whether you’re birth chart curious or an avid student of the stars, this expertly-organized and highly-detailed guide will build your knowledge and confidence in essential astrological information, from signs and houses to aspects and angles and lots more.

Public Speaking for the Awkward & Overwhelmed by Elly Blue and Joe Biel
Have you ever clammed up, lost your train of thought, or stumbled over a word during a presentation? Talking in front of people can be hard, but fear no more! Elly Blue and Joe Biel put their heads and their 40+ years of combined public speaking experience together to create this zine of helpful suggestions, strategies, and practices, ready to support you any time you have to yap in front of—and really connect with—an audience.

Bigenital Revolution: My (Very) Graphic Guide to Nonbinary Gender-Affirming Phalloplasty by Hyde Goltz and Jey Pawlik
Go on a journey with Hyde Goltz, one of the first people to ever have bigenital surgery—basically, they have two functional sets of genitals. Hyde shares the intimate details of their experience getting this revolutionary surgery as a nonbinary person. Graphic, humorous, and heartwarming, this comic is for anyone who wants guidance and encouragement for this process—or to understand the experience of a loved one who’s pursuing it.

Managing Neurodiverse Workplaces: Autistic and ADHD Teammates & How Good Management Strategies Simply Benefit Everyone by Joe Biel, Elly Blue, and Andrew Coltrin
Accommodations don’t need to mean sacrifice or lowered expectations—by shifting focus from individual diagnoses to playing to all workers’ strengths and abilities, this zine will help you to support employees with completing their tasks, getting past blocks, and avoiding burnout. To be a neurodiversity-friendly employer is to make it easier for every one of your staff to excel—neurodivergent and neurotypical alike.

Upside Down Punks: The Strange but True Story of That Fugazi Basketball Hoop Show by J. Hunter Bennett and Mickey Lynch
In the summer of 1988, a star-struck teenager with zero concert promotion experience booked a fledgling DC punk band called Fugazi to play a decrepit gymnasium in a forgotten section of Northeast Philadelphia. Attendance was sparse, conditions were sweltering, and the sound sucked. And it was legendary.

Sabotage & How to Master It by Office of Strategic Services and Joe Biel
Read along to see 1) how the state weaponizes individual actors to disrupt collective efforts, 2) tactics to watch out for in your groups and collaborations (and within yourself!), 3) ways regular people can hack back against destructive forces through simple, nonviolent means that require no tools, skills, or training. Why let the CIA have all the fun!

Baking with Baddies: How to Succeed in Business, from a Multidimensional Cookie Creative by Via Carpenter
For bakers, business owners, and budding entrepreneurs, this zine gives you a step-by-step guide to small business success. From refining your mission to networking, getting tax help to dealing with burnout and discrimination, this zine is full of sound advice that can be applied to all kinds of small business and start-up situations.

To stay on top of the latest Microcosm news, including the zines digest delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our newsletter! Also often includes cute pet pics and good (bad) puns.