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Andrew Coltrin is a writer, comics artist, and disabilities advocate when not at the day job as a paraeducator for a large urban school district. For decades Andrew thought he was just weird, anxious and unexplainably broken until the DSM finally had an update that caught up with lived experience. Andrew was diagnosed as autistic at the age of 37, and informally diagnosed with ADHD by his brother in 2023 (“your DHD is Advanced”). Andrew’s previous work include the glossary zine A is for Autistic, and the zine Ability: Emerging from the Social Constraints on Neurodivergence and Disability. Andrew has also led staff trainings about neurodiversity and has spoken on panels at the Interdisciplinary Autism Research Festival (2021) and the Tucson Zine Fest (2023).

Managing Neurodiverse Workplaces: Autistic and ADHD Teammates & How Good Management Strategies Simply Benefit Everyone
by Joe Biel Author, Elly Blue Author and Andrew Coltrin Illustrator
As more people are being diagnosed with ADHD, autism, and other neurological conditions, our proudly neurodiverse,…
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Neurodivergent Pride #14: Mutual Aid (What Autistic Minds Can Teach Each Other and the World)
by Joe Biel Author, Andrew Coltrin Author, Eliot Daughtry Illustrator and Theresa Pizza Author
Mutual aid has received more attention as a radical tactic lately, especially in the wake of the uprisings and protest…
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A is for Autistic: A Personal Glossary
by Partly Robot Author and Andrew Coltrin Author
For those following my saga of the past decade, it will not be surprising when I say that I feel like this zine was made…
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