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Dr. Faith G. Harper, ACS, ACN, holds postdoctoral certifications in sexology and applied clinical nutrition and is trained in yoga, meditation, breathwork, mindful movement, and all of those other forms of care that make most people avoid her at parties. In the past, she has worked in academia, community mental health, and private practice as a licensed professional counselor. She maintains a connection with academia through her work with the Society of Indian Psychologists. She lives in San Antonio, TX, with her amazing friends and family and terrible rescue cats. She can be reached through her website,
Subscribe to the Unfuck Your Brain newsletter to get a discount on her books and zines.

How to Quit Sugar
by Joe Biel Author and Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
Cookies. Cakes. Candies. Sodas. Why are sugary treats SOOO good, yet so bad for your health?

Unfuck Your Community
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
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Unfuck Your Nonprofit: Change the World Without Losing Your Mind or Values
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and Joe Biel Author
Idealists, gather round! How do you pursue your passionate cause to the fullest while still meeting your own needs? How…
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Unfuck Your Breakup: Using Science to Heal and Thrive after the End of a Relationship or Friendship
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
Breaking it off? Got dumped? Parting ways with a pal? Ouch, that hurts. Even beyond the heartache, embarrassment, and…

Unfuck Your Brain Activity and Coloring Book
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
Got baggage? Illustrate it! Find a quiet corner and a box of colored pencils and unlock the hows and whys behind your…
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Unfuck Your Holidays: Survive Old Traditions, Create New Ones, and Celebrate (or Not) on Your Own Terms
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
Holidays can be magical—and they can also suck so hard. Need to make a plan for Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving,…

Kinky Conversation Deck: What Turns You On?
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
Are you ready to explore your desires and expand your sexual horizons? This beginner-friendly deck invites you to…

Unfuck Your Brain Deck: Healing & Encouragement from Dr. Faith G. Harper
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
"If someone you love deeply was embarking on a healing journey similar to what you are doing now, what would you say to…

Unfuck Your Communication: Using Science to Connect, Collaborate, and Make Yourself Heard
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
Now on Kickstarter!In so many facets of our lives, it can be surprisingly hard to speak up, listen well, and find mutual…
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Unfuck Your Communication Workbook: Connect, Collaborate, and Make Yourself Heard
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
Now on Kickstarter!In so many facets of our lives, it can be surprisingly hard to speak up, make ourselves heard, and…
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Unfuck Your Brain Graphic Guide: Using Science to Get Over Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Freak-outs, and Triggers
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and Gerta Oparaku Egy Illustrator
Dr. Faith's original hit, Unfuck Your Brain—with 5 million copies sold—in a new, illustrated format is appropriate…
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$30 Superpack: Red State Relief
by Super Pack! Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Joe Carlough Author, Ally Shwed Author, Gwendolyn Olton Author, Dawson Barrett Author and Ibram X. Kendi Author
We've heard you, friends in red states. Times are not so easy. Tensions are high, state legislators and school boards…
$71.00 $30.00

$15-45 Superpack: Care Package
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Super Pack! Author, Set Sytes Author and Cindy Crabb Author
Devastated by world news? The season or events in your life got you down? Or are there other things in life punching…
$25.00 $25.00

Unfuck Your Tarot: Using the Cards for Growth and Overcoming Trauma
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
Become the architect of your own story with this science-informed approach to using the tarot for intimate revelations…
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Unfuck Your Parenting: How to Raise Feminist, Compassionate, Responsible, and Generally Non-Shitty Kids
by Bonnie Scott Author and Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
How do you raise your kids to be functional adults with big hearts? Young people need to learn to stand up against every…
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Shadow Work Exploration Deck
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
"What emotions do you actively try to avoid?" "How do you lie to yourself on a daily basis?" "What do you need to make…
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Anxiety Coping Skills Deck
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
"When you hear your anxiety speaking to you, whose voice is it?" "What would a healthy relationship with your anxiety…
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Unfuck Your Enneagram: Understand Yourself and Others
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
Get to know yourself and the people around you better with the Enneagram. This is a personality test with a…
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Eat Native: Savory Recipes Made with the Three Sisters—Corn, Beans, and Squash
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
Tuck into these savory, satisfying indigenous recipes using the ultimate building blocks of Native cuisine and companion…
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The Essential Dr. Faith: Using Science to Boost Your Brain, Body, Intimacy, and Boundaries
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
If you're like most of us, there's more than one aspect of your life that could use some unfucking. More often than not,…
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$45-$60 Superpack: Psyched About Healing
by Super Pack! Author and Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
This bundle pulls together some of Dr. Faith G. Harper's classics about unfucking your brain, life, and body, plus some…
$74.75 $45.00

Coercive Control: How to Recognize and End Abuse in Your Relationships
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
Coercive control is an insidious form of interpersonal violence—whether physical, emotional, mental, or…
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$30 Superpack: Intro to Adulting
by Super Pack! Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Ashley Rowe Palafox Author, Raleigh Briggs Author and Anna Jo Beck Author
What is this thing called "adulting"? What are "life skills" anyway? We're pretty sure there's no objective list of…
$50.00 $30.00

Unfuck Your Shame: Using Science to Accept Our Feelings, Resolve Guilt, and Connect with Ourselves
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
Shame and guilt are perhaps the most difficult emotions humans experience. They tell us we are fundamentally broken,…
$14.95 1 comment
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