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Dr. Faith G. Harper, ACS, ACN, holds postdoctoral certifications in sexology and applied clinical nutrition and is trained in yoga, meditation, breathwork, mindful movement, and all of those other forms of care that make most people avoid her at parties. In the past, she has worked in academia, community mental health, and private practice as a licensed professional counselor. She maintains a connection with academia through her work with the Society of Indian Psychologists. She lives in San Antonio, TX, with her amazing friends and family and terrible rescue cats. She can be reached through her website,
Subscribe to the Unfuck Your Brain newsletter to get a discount on her books and zines.

Need Some Fucking Support Here River Magnet
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Author
Place important telephone numbers, emails, and contact info sheets on the fridge or the nearest bulletin board with this…
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Out of Fucks River Magnet
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Author
The magnet for days when life tries to mess you up, and you're over here like, "Nope. Not today, satan."
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Not Sure I Showered River Magnet
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Author
There's a scent lingering in your general vicinity, and it miiiiiight be you. Let this magnet do the talking.
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Stuck as Hell River Magnet
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Author
To be stuck or not to be? If you've written yourself into a corner or just don't know how to address a memo, pin it…
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Pissed Off River Magnet
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Author
This magnet says it all. Place it in plain sight to give others a heads up on the current mood.
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Swagger River Magnet
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Author
A magnet you can gift to the coolest cat(s) you know.
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Too Broken for Words River Magnet
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Author
Sometimes there are no words. Use this magnet to explain when speaking is outside of what's doable today.
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Totally Sure I Didn't Shower River Magnet
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Author
We all have those days. Here's a magnet that fully discloses the truth. See how many people approach to say, "Same!"
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Up Shit's Creek River Magnet
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Author
Life's topsy turvy, and thing's are about to go down. Display this magnet on your desk, bulletin board, or fridge to…
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Whatevs River Magnet
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Author
Life will be what it will be. Show people your well-adjusted personality with this magnet. Or whatevs.
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Out of Character Be Right Back River Magnet
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Author
Not feeling like yourself at the moment? Let people know OOC-BRB (out of control, be right back) 'til you can get back…
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Pin #224"Up Shit's Creek" River Button
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Author
Life's topsy-turvy, and thing's are about to go down. Wear this 1" round pinback button on your denim jacket or tack it…
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This Is Your Brain on Anxiety
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
Anxiety is a survival skill gone haywire. It happens when our brain is working so hard to protect us that it forgets to…
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Unfuck Your Anxiety: Using Science to Rewire Your Anxious Brain
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
Anxiety is a survival skill gone haywire. It happens when our brain is working so hard to protect us that it forgets to…
$9.95 6 comments
View Details Quick Shop
$25 Superpack: Depression First Aid Kit
by Sascha Altman DuBrul Author, Elly Blue Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Anika Ledlow Author, Super Pack! Author and Set Sytes Author
Hello, depression: an old friend we're never happy to see come around again. If you're in the depths or splashing around…
$45.00 $25.00

$30 Superpack: Sex Ed Do-Over
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Aaron Sapp, MD, MBA Author, Super Pack! Author, Joyce Brabner Author and Eli Sachse Author
Did your sex education suck? Maybe you learned the joy of abstinence, or sat through harrowing tales of pregnancy and…
$41.00 $30.00

Dr. Faith Five Minute Therapy Zine Subscription
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
You asked for it! We bring it! A year of Faith, delivered to your mailbox with a different zine every month. Please tell…
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The Revolution Won't Forget the Holidays
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
Delicious holiday recipes for anyone with food allergies and special diets. Are you on an anti-inflammatory diet and…
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The Revolution Will Include Cookies: Recipes to De-Colonize Your Kitchen
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
You can't fight the man if you're dying from diabetes, heart disease, or any of the host of stressful sicknesses caused…
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$25 Superpack: Dr. Faith's 5-Minute Therapy
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and Super Pack! Author
Dr. Faith Harper is a badass funny lady with a PhD, a professional counselor, a certified sex therapist, and an adult…
$32.00 $25.00 1 comment

$20 Superpack: Breakup Remedy
by Natalye Childress Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Shay Sarah Mirk Author and Super Pack! Author
Uh oh. Suddenly you're single. Maybe you saw it coming a mile away, or maybe it broadsided you. Maybe you're picking…
$34.00 $20.00

$20 Superpack: Healthy Relationships
by Natalye Childress Author, Katie Haegele Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, Shay Sarah Mirk Author and Super Pack! Author
We are all on what feels like a lifelong quest towards finding those perfectly healthy relationships—the people around…
$34.00 $20.00