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River Katz is a genderflexible kitty disguised as a human artist in the 3D world. They are the comic artist for Do Not Pet: A Service Dog's Graphic Tale Vol 1 and Weird Western: Tall Tale, cover designer and contributor to True Trans Bike Rebel, and contributor to other zines like Cat Party and We've All Got Baggage. River enjoys making art related to gender, cannabis, magic and spirituality, music, mental health, fur-people, and occasional fan art. When not doodling away on their ipad, they're designing handmade tarot cards, collaging vision boards, obsessively sketchbooking, writing music, thinking up zine ideas or teaching themself animation.

How to Love a Scorpio: A Self-care Coloring Book
by River Katz Illustrator
Scorpios are determined, brave, loyal, honest, and ambitious. They're ready to embrace any challenge, no matter what the…
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Unfuck Your Sex Toys: Make Your Own DIY Tools & MacGyver Your Sexytimes
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Illustrator
Sex toys, sex tools, sexual aids—whatever you call them, they have the potential to revolutionize your sex life.…
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Pin #250"Meh" River Button
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Illustrator
You know when you're just not quite feeling it? You're not down per se, but you're definitely not up. You're meh. We've…
$1.50 3 comments
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Pin #251"Not Sure If I Even Showered" River Button
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Illustrator
Sometimes we're in a rush, and we leave the house too soon. Maybe we forget to shower. Maybe we also forget our…
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Graffiti Bicycle Cat
by River Katz Author
River the Cat is living the artistic life we all dream of, bicycling around with their can of spray paint, expressing…
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Witch Shit Up
by River Katz Author
On a dark night with a sliver of moon, the stars shine through, inspiring us all to add some extra witchiness to our…
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Sticker #439Do No Harm Take No Shit
by River Katz Author
We practice non-maleficence, but also maintain kick-ass boundaries. Black ink on a white vinyl sticker, with an…
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Sticker #441Witch Shit Up (Moon)
by River Katz Author
On a moonlit night, let the hugeness and divine order of the universe inspire you to change your life and then the…
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Sticker #440Witch Shit Up (Brooms)
by River Katz Author
Take what you can find, and put more magic into it. Witchcraft is on the rise. Let your fellow witches know that you are…
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Sticker #442Good Witch
by River Katz Author
Are you a good witch or a bad witch? For all the "good" witches out there, this one's for you. (Sturdy vinyl sticker…
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Patch #245Do No Harm, Take No Shit
by River Katz Author
Here's a way to promote pacifist ways with an edgy twist! This patch displays "Do No Harm and Take No Shit" on a hand…
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Patch #246Witch Shit Up (Brooms)
by River Katz Author
Fix shit up and holler at the pedestrians while you ride like hell. Time to witch your personal shit up with this…
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Patch #247Good Witch
by River Katz Author
Tired of your spree of spreading chaos? Time for a little break. It's hard to be bad all the time but don't worry, we…
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Patch #249Green Witch
by River Katz Author
This is for all the witches with out there making good use of their green fingers. These bewitching patches come in a…
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Patch #250Babe with the Power
by River Katz Author
This babe's got their nails filed sharp and is ready to stick it to the man. Our patch is ready to stand by you with…
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Sticker #444Green Witch
by River Katz Author
A fern, the moon, an openness to the magic of the natural world. For the witches with the green thumbs, who listen to…
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Pin #249"Totally Sure I Didn't Shower" River Button
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Illustrator
When you're stinky and you're just embracing it. Pit stains and all, you're just showing up. This pin warns those around…
$1.50 4 comments
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Sticker #443Bad Witch
by River Katz Author
For those of us who don't fit in, won't fall into line, and can't conform to the norms. For all the "bad" witches out…
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Out of Fucks
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Illustrator
To remind yourself, and everyone else, that you have exactly zero fucks left to give for this bullshit.
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Depression Umbrella
by River Katz Illustrator and Dr. Faith G. Harper Author
When you're getting rained on under your umbrella, may as well wear your feelings on your sleeve, loud and clear.
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by River Katz Illustrator
Be the unicorn-riding princess you always dreamed of being with this pin!
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Patch #248Bad Witch
by River Katz Author
This one goes out to all the Bad Witches out there. There's nothing wrong with spreading a little chaos every once in…
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(We’ve All Got) Baggage: Envisioning an Ideal Community and Engaging It With Our Own Problems and Hangups
by Dawson Barrett Author, Joe Biel Author, Joseph E. Green Author, Cheyenne Winters Author, Dr. Faith G. Harper Author, 6 more
If Microcosm was a person, they'd be in their early twenties, chock full of the messy connotations that this era of…
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My Pronouns Are He/Him
by River Katz Illustrator
So you don't have to try and slip it into conversation, now you can wear your pronoun with pride.
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True Trans Bike Rebel
by Lydia Rogue Editor, River Katz Cover, Elly Blue Series Editor and Elly Bangs Contributor
Bicycling as a sport, a means of transportation, and a passionate pursuit is explored here by transgender, nonbinary,…
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How do you feel today? (With River the Cat) poster
by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author and River Katz Author
Meet River, the genderqueer kitty with all the feelings. Besides juggling the ups and downs of mental health, they enjoy…
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Cat Party #2: Stories & Comics About Our Favorite Cats
by Joe Biel Contributor, Dame Darcy Contributor, Keet Geniza Contributor, Katie Haegele Editor, Mardou Contributor and River Katz Contributor
Five stories and comics by a variety of creators about beloved kitties, in the spirit of Katie Haegele's Cats I've…
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