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Lydia Rogue is a writer and poet living in Portland, Oregon. They write stories and nonfiction that centers trans people, when they’re not writing sappy love poems for their spouse. You can find them online at

Editing 101: Tips and Strategies for Working with Writers
by Lydia Rogue Author
Editing is more than just crossing out words with a red pen. Helping an author shape their writing is a complex,…
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Sticker #427friendship is my superpower
by Lydia Rogue Author
Who said friendship can't be a superpower? Celebrate yourself, and your friends, and your friendships with this…
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Honing Your Craft: Developing Your Writing Skills on a Budget
by Lydia Rogue Author
Do you dream of being a writer, but despair of finding the resources to make it happen? Writing for your passion, or…
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Sticker #424I've Got Your Back
by Lydia Rogue Author
Maybe you want to let people know you are commited to generosity and openess. Maybe you want to let them know you're…
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Sticker #425mutual aid, not mutual funds
by Lydia Rogue Author
Those big-time bankers definitely don't have our backs, but who needs 'em when we've got eachother? Let's support one…
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Sticker #428support one another
by Lydia Rogue Author
Life goes better when we build one other up instead of tearing each other done.
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Sticker #422Ask your partner first, dammit
by Lydia Rogue Author
The basics of consent really aren't that complicated. Worried about doing the wrong thing and hurting someone? There's…
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True Trans Bike Rebel
by Lydia Rogue Editor, River Katz Cover, Elly Blue Series Editor and Elly Bangs Contributor
Bicycling as a sport, a means of transportation, and a passionate pursuit is explored here by transgender, nonbinary,…
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