Your Head Is a Houseboat: A Chaotic Guide to Mental Clarity
by Campbell Walker Author
A good-natured, heavily-illustrated metaphor of a book to help get your houseboat - aka the inside of your head - in order so you can live a long, happy, somewhat organized life floating around in there. Cleaning and maintenance are necessary to keep your houseboat livable and afloat, you want to make sure it isn't so weighed down by junk (ie, our thoughts and other people's opinions) that it's riding too low in the water, and you definitely want to make sure that the captain (you) is fully in charge and has good working conditions, and that all the wild animals down in the hold are happy and fed but don't have the run of the place. A good accessible book for someone who isn't down with woo mental health talk, by the artist known as Struthless.
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