GG Allin: Rock and Roll Terrorist Activity and Coloring Book
by Reid Chancellor Author
Not meant to be colored within the lines
The first objective storytelling about one of rock’s most storied yet mysterious figures, these narrative activities are for adults who want to understand mental health, trauma, and maladaptive coping mechanisms. 2020 marks the 27th anniversary of the death of GG Allin, the most notorious rock n roll artist of all time, a potent mix of the antics of Sid Vicious and the persecuted worldview of Hank Williams. He was loved and hated, but it was clear to everyone that he knew how to create a spectacle: bleeding on stage, throwing feces at the audience, self-mutilation, and violent attacks. Instead of further glamorizing him as previous books have done, this activity and coloring book explores the lifetime of trauma that motivated him and what he felt like were his best creative expressions. Draw his tattoos, color his infamous onstage mayhem, engage with his unflinching takes on death, pain, and religion. Channel your rage through the page.
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