How to Sew a Button: And Other Nifty Things Your Grandmother Knew
by Erin Bried Author
It's an unfortunate fact of life that many of us “outsource” basic tasks. Food is instant, ready-made, and processed with unhealthy additives to be easy and quick. Dry cleaners press your shirts, delivery guys bring pizza, gardeners tend flowers, and, yes, tailors sew on those uncooperative buttons.
But your life can be so much simpler, sweeter, and richer than all of that– and a lot more fun! As your grandmother might say, now is not the time to be careless with your money, and it actually pays to learn how to do things yourself.
Practical and incredibly empowering, How to Sew a Button collects the treasured wisdom of nanas, bubbies, and grandmas from all across the country– as well as modern-day experts –and shares more than one hundred step-by-step essential tips for cooking, cleaning, gardening, and entertaining, making you more independent and resourceful.
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