Unfuck Your Adulting: Give Yourself Permission, Carry Your Own Baggage, Don’t Be a Dick, Make Decisions, & Other Life Skills

Unfuck Your Adulting: Give Yourself Permission, Carry Your Own Baggage, Don't Be a Dick, Make Decisions, & Other Life Skills

by Dr. Faith G. Harper Author

How to be an adultier adult

Dr. Faith explains the fundamentals of adulting in this handy guide. Spoiler: None of the requirements are about having certain jobs, kids, possessions and debts, or being totally bored and stressed out and hating your life. This book will not teach you to change your oil or fold fitted sheets. Instead, Dr. Faith offers wisdom from her life experience and counseling practice like, “If it’s not yours, don’t touch it,” “Love people but not their bullshit,” “Invest in small comforts,” and “Either win or learn.” It’s hard work to do adulty stuff well, but the kind of work that’s satisfying because it’s about being good to yourself and other people and building a life that you’re okay with waking up to every day. Keep these hot tips around for when you’re making big decisions, dealing with difficult situations, or to give to a friend or kid who’s making any kind of big life transition. The truth is, adulting is way more fun than kidding. You got this!


  • Unfuck Your Adulting: Give Yourself Permission, Carry Your Own Baggage, Don't Be a Dick, Make Decisions, & Other Life Skills image #1
  • Unfuck Your Adulting: Give Yourself Permission, Carry Your Own Baggage, Don't Be a Dick, Make Decisions, & Other Life Skills image #2
  • Unfuck Your Adulting: Give Yourself Permission, Carry Your Own Baggage, Don't Be a Dick, Make Decisions, & Other Life Skills image #3

Comments & Reviews


"The writing is casual yet still professional, with tons of personality...Harper maintains her humorous tone throughout the book, and as a result, the book doesn't seem to take itself too seriously, but still strikes a balance between being serious and being funny...A majority of Harper's points are so simple it almost screams common sense, but it's advice that needs to be said, and it never hurts to have a little reminder every now and then..."


She's great with life advice in general. Unf*ck Your Adulting expounds on key interpersonal skills like "Don't Be a Dick," "Forgive the People Who Don't Get It," "Stop Comparing Your Insides to Other People's Outsides" and "Don't Presume Other People's Intent."



"Rather than focusing on traditional adulting concepts such as paying bills and scheduling maintenance, Dr. Harper focuses on the social and emotional aspects of adulting. It is that focus that makes this book very appealing as these aspects are often taken for granted and learning them through trials and tribulation often treated as simply a rite of passage."



"Breezy delivery makes for easy reading. Adulting would be a nice graduation gift or a cool read for some young person who's moving out of the house."


"...just the kind of advice you'd seek from a grounded friend, a friend who just happens to be a qualified therapist."
